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Politically the end of the American age

okay you’re gonna see the rise and rise

of China the rise and rise and rise and

rise and rise and rise and rise of China

Russia is getting braver and braver

because everybody in Europe is looking

at their navels and talking to

themselves they are in the echo chamber

and nothing’s gonna get better in Iran

the Middle East career in India Pakistan

right the political outlook out there is

volatile socially the internet is under

attack no privacy no responsibility I

work with YouTube and we are really have

some tough questions to answer

so does Facebook so does Google

government intervention is vital the

middle class in most developed countries

is just outraged because they’ve been

forgotten because you either have to be

lesbian transgender 70 young maybe all

of the above and black or white or

yellow or pink I don’t know or short or

tall what you can’t be is average middle

class so they’re getting so they’re now

joining the Nationalists or the populist

Putin is loving all this stirring

stirring stirring job destruction is the

main threat facing all of us how are we

going to create jobs in a VUCA world

where technology is rising because if

you don’t create jobs you have social


you have terrorism you have drugs you

have crime you have urban Paris socially

stuff ok what else is happening

economically you’re gonna see more

disruption from Fang Facebook Amazon

Apple Netflix Google they’re gonna keep

going going going going right they’re

not going to slow down the amount of

money available for new venture funding

is he

mints immense and that’ll keep pouring

in so you’re gonna have billion dollar

startups now which are are crazy they’re

all destroying jobs and technology

investment entrepreneurship is

accelerating faster than our companies

in our business you agree with this or

not really yes or no good fun huh whoo

whoo this is a time for crazies and supp

anybody who’s crazy come on that’s

better your HR people are not here look

at the second point on here 50% of tasks

you currently do could be automated

today today it’s terrifying ok what else

are we looking at we are in the fourth

Industrial Revolution ok the first

Industrial Revolution water steam then

we had electric then digital we are now

digital now no longer exists if you’re

21 years old doesn’t matter my grandkids

I have eight at the moment eight

grandkids they don’t even know the word

digital they don’t understand how a TV

screen you can’t just touch it and and

neither do yours rights they don’t get

it there is a complete blurring

everything’s digital nothing’s digital

everything’s physical nothing’s physical

so we’re in the fourth Industrial

Revolution right you know all that kind

of stuff the workforce will have to

change its skill set to keep pace we are

the work force and our skills that we

learned three years ago will not help us

win the skills we have learned and

practiced will not take us to the next

level will they.