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You know multitasking is one of the

dangerous myths of our time you know we

all think were so hyper efficient that

we’re doing two things at once and all

the modern neuroscience tells us that in

fact multitasking is a complete modern

myth it’s actually task-switching it’s

one of the most stressful things we can

do and it robs us of the ability to

experience life and to be present trust

me I’ve been a culprit for so many years

when I stopped for example walking down

the streets of Soho where I live and

instead and being on my phone or texting

at the same time and just started

walking I discovered two things first of

all if you’re just walking everybody

else who is walking and texting or

walking and being on the phone things

you are not important enough and it’s

your job to get out of the way because

clearly if you have the time to just

walk you must be a very insignificant

member of the human race


so I remember literally the first day I

was just walking with a friend and

noticing a beautiful building around the

corner from where I live and saying to

my friend is building is gorgeous when

did it go up and she said 1930

so I wonder what else have I been

missing during all those years of

incredibly quote-unquote productive

multitasking and I don’t know if you’re

following all the news about all the

accidents even deaths of people who are

walking and texting or walking or

driving and texting and this constantly

growing explosion of a totally

distracted civilization and the

casualties are increasingly our children

so every responsibility not just for

ourselves but for the generation were

bringing up because children are

becoming so addicted to their phones

that mental health numbers are

skyrocketing especially among teenage

girls a 33 percent increase in

depression increase in anxiety in

suicides so we need to recognize that

while machines and software need to

minimize downtime that’s what we try to

do that sort of been trying to do since

the first Industrial Revolution now that

we’re in the fourth Industrial

Revolution we need to come to terms with

the fact that the human operating system

is different that in the human operating

system downtime is a feature not a bug.