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So what are some of the lessons that

I’ve learned and so you know there are

many many different lessons but I think

there’s I’ve got two slides here of the

key ones the first lesson that I’ve

learned is fail faster I wish I had

invented that expression because the

minute I saw that expression which is a

Silicon Valley expression I don’t know

who invented it I was like that is

exactly where I’ve made mistakes at

various points in my career it’s not

that I failed not that I did those

things but some of those failures I

spent way too long

shutting them down I didn’t realize this

isn’t this isn’t working I need to

radically move fast change because this

is never going to work so you want to

fail faster another is you don’t want to

tie your ego to a particular business as

an entrepreneur if you think if you have

this model in your mind that is that

Mark Zuckerberg model where you have one

genius idea and then it goes to the moon

it actually can be very paralyzing I

don’t know how many young entrepreneurs

I’ve met who are desperate to think they

might have gotten that brilliant idea

they’re desperately afraid someone will

steal it and so on it so they never

actually do the thing they dream but

they they wish and they hope and they

don’t do it whereas in fact you just

have to get started you have to accept

real entrepreneurs fail and fail and

fail but if you enjoy yourself along the

way if you’re creating and you’re

innovating and you’re liking and you’re

learning what you’re doing you will

succeed in the end because the only way

really to be an entrepreneur outside of

those few rare cases where people hit it

lucky very young is to grow and to learn

and to be able to restructure and

rethink about how you do everything but

there’s even more lessons so other

lessons that I’ve learned is that in

today’s interconnected world and it is

so interconnected already but it is

about to become a lot more so we’ve got

the next billion people coming online in

the next five to ten years we’ve got

Internet of Things where more and more

devices are connected to the Internet

more and more data there’s all kinds of

things in that kind of world

I have always succeeded when I’ve let go

of top-down control when you’re in a

networked society in a networked world

you cannot do

command-and-control and expect to get

anywhere what you have to do is open up

let people participate and this this I

think applies in almost every business

almost every business situation with

partners with employees with all kinds

of people to say look I don’t have all

the answers I can at best be a coach and

a guide I can help coordinate but the

greatest ideas are gonna come from my

partners for my customers from my

employees and you can’t get there with

top-down control you have to let go you

have to provide an environment where

people feel safe at coming up with an

idea they feel rewarded for thinking

together with you and there are always

be ways of benefiting and this is a very

opposite and a few businesses still

probably do I would concede have some

sort of intellectual property patent I

puff culture where a certain degree of

secrecy is necessary because you’re

trying to gain an edge over your

competitor but in most cases that is no

longer true in most cases you’re far

better off sharing your innovations

early getting people on board getting

people participating rather than trying

to invent something behind closed doors

that’s gonna blow away the whole

industry sometimes you can still do that

but it’s much rarer than it used to be

and you basically want to build systems

to allow creative partnerships to

flourish I’ll just give you an example

and this is a Wikipedia example not a

business example so Wikipedia everything

in Wikipedia is completely freely

licensed so you can copy modify

redistribute redistribute modified

versions it’s it’s like open source

software take it and do what you want

with it and what this means is that

there have been many many different

projects around the world to help with

distributing Wikipedia to people who

can’t afford internet access several

years back there was a fantastic project

in Argentina where the Argentine in

Wikipedia community and a local software

development community they got together

and they created an offline reader

version of spanish-language Wikipedia

which they put on two DVDs and they

distributed through Educare an

educational charity in argentina to

schools where either they the school

didn’t have internet access or if they

had it it was too expensive to just let

the students use it but they had

computers in a computer lab with DVDs

and so they

created and they distributed this and

suddenly tens of thousands of children

had access to Wikipedia who had not had

access before and what is fascinating

about that whole example is that nobody

asked permission nobody came to the

Wikimedia Foundation and asked

permission they already had permission

we already let go and said look take it

do what you want with it and so that

meant that this group of people who had

an idea they were able to just move

forward and we didn’t try to go in and

say oh well here are specifications

here’s the mandate of how you have to do

it which you would never get anywhere

with that you just say look yeah that

sounds fantastic you know whatever you

want to do go and do that and a lot of

amazing things have come from that and I

think this principle applies to all

business today this idea of saying open

up let people participate let people do

what they want to do and you will

benefit in indirect ways in an enormous

way because of this phenomenon of super

minds that you don’t have all the

answers that the answers come from all

of us working together and leveraging

technology to get somewhere
